Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Summer is now almost on us here in the City. Certainly the dew point is almost sixty-five degrees this misty morning. That’s a sure sign that our often humid, southern-flavored summers are...➤ Read MoreThe Fuchsia+Blog Tags — botanical gardens | greenhouses | long island | ornamentals | plants
Saturday, April 27, 2013
It’s firmly spring now but just a mere month ago it seemed like winter would never move out. What to do? Visit more conservatory greenhouses, of course! Especially if they hold two of the finest…➤ Read MoreThe Fuchsia+Blog Tags — botanical gardens | history | long island | spring
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Born in 1865 in Chatham, a small farming community located in New York’s Columbia County, Frank Bailey had accumulated a substantial fortune by 1911 when he purchased the old farm on the forty-three acres...➤ Read MoreThe Fuchsia+Blog Tags — botanical gardens | history | horticulture | long island | plants