The Genus Fuchsia
Section Procumbentes
(one species)
Name: Fuchsia sect. Procumbentes E.J.Godley & P.E.Berry, 1995.
Typus: F. procumbens R.Cunn. ex A.Cunn.
F. procumbens R.Cunn.
New Zealand. Moved from the Skinnera section to form a section on its own, this single species is a scarce plant in small populations along the far northern coast of the North Island of New Zealand, often associated with Metrosideros excelsa (Pohutukawa or New Zealand Christmas Tree) coastal forests or growing among Phormium tenax (New Zealand Flax) or Cyperus ustulatus (Giant Umbrella Sedge) from North Cape to Maunganui Bluff on the west coast and to the northern Coromandel Peninsula on the east coast, at elevations from sea level to 150 meters.

The flowering period is from October to March.
Habit—Densely branched, procumbent subshrubs, with slender, trailing main stems 1 to 2 ( to 8) mm thick, to 2 meters long, often rooting along the ground and with exfoliating bark when old; young branchlets very slender and glabrous, ascending near the tips, sometimes scandent on tree trunks or in dense brush.
Leaves—Alternate, firm-membranous, suborbicular to broadly ovate, 5 to 28 mm long, 3 to 27 mm wide, apex obtuse to rounded, base subcordate to truncate, pale green to purple-flushed on both surfaces, slightly paler beneath; margin sinuate to serrulate with
prominent glandular teeth, strigulose along the nerves, secondary veins (3 to) 4 or 5 (to 6) per side, lower order venation inconspicuous. Petioles slender, strigulose, longer than the blade, 5 to 50 mm long. Stipules minute, narrowly lanceolate, 0.3 to 0.9 mm long, ca. 0.2 mm wide at the base, caducous.
Flowers—Subdioecious. Flowers axillary and erect on pedicels 3 to 10 mm high. Staminate or perfect flowers: ovary cylindrical, 3 to 6 mm long, 2 to 2.8 mm thick, green and pruinous, quadrilocular, each locule with 15 to 55 more-or-less biseriate ovules, floral tube cylindrical, 7 to 11 mm long, 5.2 to 7.5 mm wide at the rim, light green in bud, pale
orange-yellow at anthesis, in some cases turning slightly darker with age, nectary 2 to 4 mm high, lustrous yellow-orange, sepals lanceolate, acute, 7 to 9 mm long, 2.7 to 3.8 mm wide at the base, completely reflexed soon after anthesis, light to dark purple on the exposed, inner surface except at the green base, green on the hidden, outer side, petals absent, filaments equal or subequal, 3.5 to 5 mm and 3.2 to 4.5 mm long, pink to red or yellow near base, anthers oblong, dorsifixed, 1.5 to 2.4 mm long, 1 to 1.5 mm wide, purple, style included or exserted beyond the tube, 6 to 9 (to 14) mm long, pale pink, stigma capitate, 0.4 to 1 mm thick, yellow-green or dull brown, or style acephalous and stigma non-functional. Pistillate
flowers, similar to staminate flowers, except: ovary 5 to 8 mm long, floral tube 5.5 to 9 mm long, 3.8 to 4 mm wide at the rim. Sepals 4.1 to 6.4 mm long, 2.2 to 2.8 mm wide at the base, filaments 1.6 to 2.7 mm and 1.6 to 2.4 mm long, red-purple, anthers sterile, 0.85 to 1.05 mm long, 0.4 to 0.7 mm wide, pink, style exserted, 7 to 15 mm long, stigma capitate and four-angled, 1.1 to 2.2 mm long, 1.8 to 2.5 mm wide, yellow-green, ovules 50 to 230 per ovary, biseriate in each locule.
Fruit—The berry is ovoid-oblong to obovoid or subglobose, somewhat four-angled, 10 to 25 mm long, 8 to 16 mm wide, bright red to magenta when ripe with a light purple, pruinous wax, fruiting pedicel 5 to 23 mm long; ovary wall firm, not becoming juicy or succulent at maturity, locules hollow.
Seeds—Tan, biseriate, oblong to (ob-) ovoid, 1.7 to 2.8 mm long, 1.3 to 1.6 mm thick,
rugulose, and usually numbering between twenty and eighty per fruit.
Chromosomes: Gametic chromosome number n = 11.
Authors—R. Cunningham ex A. Cunningham 1839. Goodley & Berry 1995.
Original publication—Ann. Nat. Hist. 3: 31 1839.
Herbarium Specimens—Kew 1, Kew 2.
Section Procumbentes
(one species)
Name: Fuchsia sect. Procumbentes E.J.Godley & P.E.Berry, 1995.
Typus: F. procumbens R.Cunn. ex A.Cunn.
F. procumbens R.Cunn.
New Zealand. Moved from the Skinnera section to form a section on its own, this single species is a scarce plant in small populations along the far northern coast of the North Island of New Zealand, often associated with Metrosideros excelsa (Pohutukawa or New Zealand Christmas Tree) coastal forests or growing among Phormium tenax (New Zealand Flax) or Cyperus ustulatus (Giant Umbrella Sedge) from North Cape to Maunganui Bluff on the west coast and to the northern Coromandel Peninsula on the east coast, at elevations from sea level to 150 meters.

The flowering period is from October to March.
Habit—Densely branched, procumbent subshrubs, with slender, trailing main stems 1 to 2 ( to 8) mm thick, to 2 meters long, often rooting along the ground and with exfoliating bark when old; young branchlets very slender and glabrous, ascending near the tips, sometimes scandent on tree trunks or in dense brush.
Leaves—Alternate, firm-membranous, suborbicular to broadly ovate, 5 to 28 mm long, 3 to 27 mm wide, apex obtuse to rounded, base subcordate to truncate, pale green to purple-flushed on both surfaces, slightly paler beneath; margin sinuate to serrulate with

Flowers—Subdioecious. Flowers axillary and erect on pedicels 3 to 10 mm high. Staminate or perfect flowers: ovary cylindrical, 3 to 6 mm long, 2 to 2.8 mm thick, green and pruinous, quadrilocular, each locule with 15 to 55 more-or-less biseriate ovules, floral tube cylindrical, 7 to 11 mm long, 5.2 to 7.5 mm wide at the rim, light green in bud, pale

Fruit—The berry is ovoid-oblong to obovoid or subglobose, somewhat four-angled, 10 to 25 mm long, 8 to 16 mm wide, bright red to magenta when ripe with a light purple, pruinous wax, fruiting pedicel 5 to 23 mm long; ovary wall firm, not becoming juicy or succulent at maturity, locules hollow.
Seeds—Tan, biseriate, oblong to (ob-) ovoid, 1.7 to 2.8 mm long, 1.3 to 1.6 mm thick,

Chromosomes: Gametic chromosome number n = 11.
Authors—R. Cunningham ex A. Cunningham 1839. Goodley & Berry 1995.
Original publication—Ann. Nat. Hist. 3: 31 1839.
Herbarium Specimens—Kew 1, Kew 2.