Formerly Fuchsias in the City. Now in the City of Fuchsias.
Trips & Travels A look at the world through fuchsia-colored glasses.
When traveling far, or just rambling close to home, my attention is alway caught by plants. Especially fuchsia plants. Since I named the garden The Fuchsietum and call this website Fuchsias in the City, that’s probably not too hard to understand. Oh, don’t get me wrong. There ARE lots of non-fuchsia life forms that catch my eye but it's usually the fuchsias that are guaranteed to turn my head. I’ve assembled a bunch of photo albums here that chronicle the wide, wide world of those fuchsias. Beside serendipitous encounters and intentional excursions to conventions of the equally afflicted, there are lots of places, such as gardens and nurseries, where one can normally expect to see live fuchsias in action. I’ve added those, too. The best locations for fuchsia-watching in the United States are the wonderful test and display gardens organized and maintained by dedicated members of the Northwest Fuchsia Society. In addition, there are gardens that include fairly significant numbers of fuchsias. Third are the places where fuchsias might make an appearance or two. Not to be forgotten, of course, are nurseries. This may seem odd but many have grounds and display beds that would qualify as small botanical gardens. There are even some nurseries that specialize in fuchsias. Just fuchsias. Lots and lots of fuchsias! All in all, there are so many places to spot fuchsias showing their stuff if you look closely. All over the world. It’s just that I haven’t gotten there yet. I’m trying, though, I’m trying.