Spring on the High Line
A lot of other people also seemed to have had the same idea. I did manage
to get a few good clear shots of serenity. Well, almost. The shadows know…
The light shade cast by the emerging flowers of the High Line’s trees dapples across
the criss-crossed rails. The redbud on the left is an interesting exclamation of contrasting color.
The clusters of flowers on its stems aren’t quite open yet, though.
Daffodils and emerging grasses and wild flowers fill other spaces between the rails.
Tulips just seem to love it up here. They must think they’re back home in Anatolia.
I just love the exuberant flashes of yellow that seem to smile from the inside of these flowers.
Plants on the High Line were often selected to take
the heat and drought of the park’s exposed stretches.
You wouldn’t think it, given the cool white beauty of these birches,
but I suspect they’re quite tolerant of the High Lines conditions
More drifts of tulips line the walk. These are pink and cream with hints of yellow.
Sorry. No cultivar names. There are no labels on these guys that I can see.
It’s a long promenade along the High Line but eventually
the City starts to come back into focus at the sides. Sigh
Hey, hey, hey. Quit trying to hone in on the action here, guys.
WE’RE the lucky ones up here!