ARTiculture. The floral arts

“Storm King Maquettes” by MODA Botanica / Storm King Art Center
PHS Designer’s Studio
Floral designs. Left, Tony Daniles Volpe; center, Amy Foster, More College of Art & Design; right, Petals Lane
Floral design. Top left, Joshua Polig; top right, “Global Dancer” by Claire Won Y. Kang; lower left, Julia Callejas; lower right, “Empress” by Sue Weisser and William Murphy Jr
Top and above left, “Hangul” by Michael O’Neill
Above right, “Hue” by Bonnie Schorsh and Jean Quinn, Huntington Valley Garden Club
Above, Store Windows. “The Strokes of Genius” by The Gallagher Group
Above, Store Windows. “Seeds of Inspiration” by the Haddenfied Garden Club
Above, Store Windows. “The Puzzle of Style” by the Garden Club of Wilmington
Above, Store Windows. “Boutiques au Musée d’Art” by the Gloucester City Jr-Sr High School Garden Club
Above and below, “Kadinsky’s Canvas” by Schaffer Designs / The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
Above, “Dream Catcher Matrix” by Michael Bruce Florist / Grounds for Sculpture
Above, “Out on a Limb” by Flowers by David / Fresh Artists
Above and below, “Isamu Noguchi Through the Eyes of Pure Design” by Pure Design / The Noguchi Museum
Above, “Isamu Noguchi Through the Eyes of Pure Design” by Pure Design / The Noguchi Museum
Above and below, “Dancing the Dream” by Robertson’s Flowers & Events / The Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery
Above, “Dancing the Dream” by Robertson’s Flowers & Events / The Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery
Above and below, Ikebana by Ikebana International Philadelphia Chapter 71