Introducing Fuchsia 'Night Fire'
Very common in nurseries in the Pacific Northwest is this partial reversion of Fuchsia ‘Firecracker’ back to its parent ‘Thalia’. It’s been making the rounds here for a few years now. In fact, it’s starting to overwhelm the original sport these days quite possibly because it’s less picky to cultivate.
Because this reversion just isn’t ‘Firecracker’ any longer, I’ve started referring to it as Fuchsia ‘Night Fire’. The name seems more appropriate to the subtle shadows of grey and greens that dance across its leaves with just the occasional sparks of residual cream and pinks still flaring here and there at the edges.
Personally I prefer Fuchsia ‘Night Fire’. I find it less jarring and more elegant than ‘Firecracker’. I’ve always thought that ‘Firecracker’ does best when worked into a mixed planter as a single exclamation mark rather than standing alone. Or massed. I once witnessed that incredible sight in a summer bedding display in Montréal. It was truly memorable. And eye-scalding.